I want to build up the maps in the game to be 'thicker'. I tried that in the screenshot to the left. Something I didn't like about the maps in Soldier Of was that they felt sparse, as though they weren't connected, or even individually important. I want to give the feeling of moving through a city, with lots of streets and alleyways, even if they can't be traversed, just to get rid of that empty feeling. I want it to have a lot of a 'secret' feeling, where you don't really know what could be around the next turn, or what will happen next. Hopefully I can get the level of detail on the maps that I want for the whole game. :S

I've also stopped using the built-in light shading of Blender, and just have shadeless objects now, with pixelled shading effects. It's a more smooth, cool effect, in my opinion. I probably should have done it from the beginning.

An idea that I liked was that the logo would appear differently depending on which game it is. For example, for this, the logo might have a sneaking character, or a character holding something up, while the logo for a game like Dungens might be about placing blocks and performing acrobatics. It could use a little fine-tuning, but I like it a lot. :)
Anyway, it was a short update, but that's all for today. Thanks for reading! If you want to follow day-to-day progress, follow me on Twitter!
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