Thanks a lot for checking it out and looking into it.
EDIT: By the way, this also contains the first release of my screen filter module, the SFL module. This module allows you to apply screen filters with custom values like strength and distance with a single line of code. It works pretty well, I think. You can check out its usage in the Game.py file's setting for Bloom and such. :)
GridSpace, (the blend file, graphics, code, and other resources present in the blend file or otherwise packaged with the project) is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. You must not use it for commercial purposes, and you may derive works from it.
If you want to use the source blend file, materials, textures, models, or code commercially, you have to get permission from me.
The SFL, XEmitter, XParticle, and BGHelper are public modules that you may use commercially, however.
This version contains my first release of SFL, which is a screen filter module. It contains lots and lots of useful filters, like Desaturation, Radial Blur, Bloom, Cross-shaped Bloom, and many others. It's pretty useful, I think. The advantage of it is that it's far easier to integrate into your project, and you can customize it. The general idea is like this:
- from bge import logic
- import SFL
- cont = logic.getCurrentController()
- filter = cont.actuators['2D Filter']
- filter.shaderText = SFL.Bloom() # Set the filter's shader to low-quality bloom
- filter.shaderText = SFL.Bloom(quality = 2) # Set the filter's shader to higher-quality bloom
- cont.activate(filter)
As you can see, the SFL module consists of functions that return a shader, customized to your needs. Each shader has different parameters that you can use to customize its behavior. It's fairly useful. By the way, I think I got the Chromatic Aberration filter from leonn, and the bloom filter is credited to the Yo Frankie! project.
Download link below!
EDIT: Here's the link. Download - MediaFire
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