We are making our first 3d with Unity. It recalls all my old general 3D and applied Maya experience.
Today we are talking about light sources, environment and number of polygons vs FPS on different devices :)
A figure I’ve (Artur) blendered up myself is in the heart of events)))
there are figures for 1000, 10 080 and 99 844 triangles, I thinks there’s no point in making more
the x button changes the figure
to change the light, tap somewhere on the screen besides the x button and the name of the light source will appear above
light like “area” is available in the pro version
FPS are:
Sony Experia Play, Android
figure spot pointdirectional
1000 44.6 46.6 50.7
10800 39.2 39 46.9
99844 17 17.2 26.5
Galaxy Note 2014 Edition, Android (2560х1600)
figure spot pointdirectional
1000 63 61 61
10800 61 62 61
99844 47 47 49
Nokia Lumia 720, Windows Phone (800x480)
figure spot pointdirectional
1000 60 60 60
10800 60 60 60
99844 35 38 52
Tested only hardest configuration then to save time :)
PCq8200, Radeon 3700, Win Vista Business 32 bit (960x600)
figure spot
99844 60
PCi5 661, GeForce GTX 770, Win 8.1 64 bit (960x600) (3D Monitor)
figure spot
99844 107
MacBook Pro (960x600)
figure spot
99844 60
iPhone 5 (1136x640)
figure spot
99844 N/A
Didn't found plug cable and time to set up all provisioning stuff %)
Looks like it vertical sync to 60 FPS and 100 on 3D Monitor.
It’s best to take into account, that the standard sphere for about 80-100 triangles with skybox mobile shader plays the role of the sky and the camera is the one that moves, not the object.
There’s no textures and animation as well as programmed logic and typing reaction etc. in the demo version, so the mentioned FPS can be easily cut in half.
Generally, the phone readings don’t exactly make me smiling and I hope that our games will have at least 40 FPS on most devices.
I think we'll manage to optimaze everything properly to get game run smoot on highest range of devices.
You are welcome to
download benchmark source or
build for Android .apk and share the results of Your beloved smart and fast phones and tablets ;)
Thanks in advance, have an amazing weekend ahead of you :)
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